Friday, February 28, 2014

Martin Goodall's Planning Law Blog: Permitted development for homes in National Parks and AONBs

Martin Goodall's Planning Law Blog: Permitted development for homes in National Parks and AONBs:

Is this all a bit discriminatory? Should the owners of land in designated areas be subject to a different regime to those outside when no harm (inappropriate new build) is proven? When these barns were built the fields were full of the paraphernalia that people collect when working or even staying overnight during the busiest time of the year.

If "National Park" meant "owned by the Nation" as it does in other parts of the world it might make some sense but those in the UK are privately owned and such Draconian control of their rights is unacceptable, it panders to the elite who can afford to get there.

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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Concerns over proposed overhaul of Welsh planning system - Wales Online

Concerns over proposed overhaul of Welsh planning system - Wales Online:

The Welsh Government has been frustrated by the reluctance of the local politicians to accept the training provided, it has been thwarted time and again in its attempts to bring forward more development and at the same time has had to intervene when local politicians have been trying to override local and national policy, the growth in agricultural workers dwellings in some counties being a case in point. How can you have unbiased planning policy and decisions when the farming community appears to dominate the planning committees?

In one case a planner was told he would get the sack if he didn't do what was asked of him, another was told "you like your job don't you?" by another committee member.

The planning system is bust, we can't carry on like this.

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The plot to turn national parks into suburbia - Telegraph

The plot to turn national parks into suburbia - Telegraph:

40% of England is 'protected landscape', the poor souls who were born and bred there are suffering what international human rights observers call "soft eviction" and "voluntary resettlement", these areas have the lowest wages in Northern Europe and the highest house prices thanks to the kudos of owning a home in a national park and the inability of the authorities to allow new build. The areas are suffocating under a blanket of irrational hysteria, it must stop. Where do you think these buildings and walls came from? 

The Welsh Government has woken up to this 'conflict of interest', so has the Scottish Government. When is the English Government going to follow their lead? 

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